Sunday, June 22, 2008

More Carter James!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Carter James Drysdale

Andrew and I would like to introduce Carter James Drysdale! He was born June 19th, 2008 at 4:34 PM. Carter weighed a healthy 8lb 9oz and was 21 inches long. Mom and baby are happy and healthy and home today. We will post more updates later!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Keep us in your prayers!

Hello everyone. Sorry we haven't updated in awhile...its been a crazy couple of weeks. We are so ready for this little guy to come so that maybe, just maybe, things can calm down a little bit! We are due in twelve the countdown continues. We have a checkup on Friday and hope that things are progressing.

This past Saturday we found out that my mom has breast cancer. Over the next couple of weeks she will get tons of tests ran, including an MRI to determine if the cancer has spread to anywhere else in her body. She is doing well, obviously trying to cope with the reality of the situation. For those that don't know, my grandmother has fought breast cancer. This makes the situation even more real and tough because we know what to expect. The next couple of months will be filled with intense chemo and eventually breast removal later this summer. The doctors want to try to shrink the tumor first before they try to remove it. Today she went with her best friend to pick out a wig. Apparentely, she will lose all of her hair immediately after her first chemo treatment, which is in the next couple of weeks. My mom is extremely beautiful and strong, so I know she'll just do great. She has no other choice.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Garden Box

Today we were able to finally plant our vegetables in our little garden box. We used mostly seeds but there are tomato, squash and cucumber plants already started. We are really excited and will be completely estatic if we get one tomato or one lettuce leaf! Thanks for your hard work Andrew! Today we also went swimming in the community pool. I'm hoping I did enough laps to get this baby out! Keep your fingers crossed...