Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby #2's First Photos!

I had my first doctor's appt today! It went great. I was a little nervous about being "placed" with a military doctor and not having an alternate choice; however, my doctor, Dr. Susin, was fantastic and spent over an hour with me! Everything seems to be right on track and moving forward great! I've had some issues with nausea but it seems to be calming down a bit. As of today, I'm 10 wks and 4 days which gives me a due date of January 25th. The ultrasounds pics are a bit fuzzy but apparently the "good" machine was getting repaired. I think these turned out great though and even give "Baby #2" a girlish figure...right?

Since we were already at the hosiptal Carter had his one year shots as well. He was such a trooper! Of course, he cried and as the technician tried to "make up" with him Carter hit him BUT we successfully left without harming anyone!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Andrew's New Camera

I was able to purchase Andrew this nifty new camera for Father's Day. Needless to say, he was speachless. He has ALWAYS been interested in photography but never had the time/money to explore it. Well, he still doesn't have the time BUT we're planning on getting some great family pictures over the next several years. I have a family member that has this camera and she has taken amazing pics. I'm excited for Andrew to learn the ins and outs! He hasn't had time to play with it too much but this weekend we are planning on taking some great family photos! I think I made a great investment (and believe me it was quite an investment!)

Carter's Tropical Smootie

So we didn't celebrate Carter's birthday ON his birthday due to Andrew being at school but he did enjoy a Tropical fun! He enjoyed it quite a bit more than he did his cake a few days later...

Our House

Here are a few pics from our humble abode...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Now that we live in Florida, the beach is close by and we make frequent trips! Here are just a few pics from the last couple of weeks!

Carter LOVES the water, HATES the sand.

Andrew's Motorcycle

For the last year we've only had one vehicle. In Arkansas, Andrew's work was 3 minutes away and due to his flexible work schedule we were able to make our schedule work around having one vehicle.

We knew that when we arrived in Florida, Andrew would be gone 5 days a week from 5 AM to 8-9 PM. That news meant we needed a second form of transportation! Obviously, we had a budget and with that budget we could have purchased a really nice motorcycle or a really cruddy car.

Andrew is a pretty smooth talker and it doesn't help that he's a bit spoiled. This is what we ended up with!

Updates, updates, updates!

I know it's been a century since I've last posted! We've moved, Andrew has started school, Carter is almost one...the months just fly by! I've promised myself (and Andrew) that I would update the blog TODAY. I have several different posts planned and will update around our afternoon activities!

Happy reading!