Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Man

Toby and Carter are best buddies.

Smelling the flowers. Carter calls them trees however.

Thristy during bathtime.


We love this little guy SO much. He is just growing in personality everyday and getting to be such a big helper. He loves Aubrey so much and is always concerned when she is upset - he says, "She sad, she sad." How cute! He loves bathtime (but what kid doesn't) and is really into coloring, Elmo and finding the moon right now. Basically, we have the coolest little guy around...but we've heard our Cousin Patrick isn't too shabby either :)
Prepare for a post all about Aubrey later!


Shannon said...

Tear, tear...I 'll spare the line about not seeing him yet though! :) MY goodness, you don't get cuter than that kid-he is sooo handsome! Good shots with the fav. is of him smelling the flower though-too cute!

Mary said...

LOVE the cheese smile!! What a doll!!