Thursday, July 16, 2009

Carter's First Birthday

Carter turned one on June 19th and I feel horrible that I've kept all of our blog followers out there waiting for these! In between picking up Carter's ordered birthday cake and our catered meal (we were busy, right?) Andrew and I left the house without the camera. My cousin Abby took hundreds of pics of the birthday event; however, she hasn't had the time to send them my direction. Luckily, we received a few in the mail today that my aunt had taken.

Carter James - Mommy and Daddy love you SO much. You've brought more joy to our lives than we could have ever imagined. You are ALWAYS happy and that's encouraging to us. Your giggles and grins can brighten any day. We will always strive to protect you, guide you and love you forever!


Shannon said...

These are beautiful pictures! I love what you wrote to Carter. He is on handsome little man!

Mary said...

ALready!!!! He is SO cute!!