Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello Everyone. Not much new in the Drysdale household. Imagine that! Life is wonderful. Andrew and I catch ourselves everyday thinking how blessed we are to be in the places we are. We LOVE being parents and are learning more and more each moment how precious Carter is. The baby is growing, growing and growing! I believe he grows out of an outfit every other day!

We have been traveling back to Missouri quite a bit lately to visit family. I had my five year class reunion last weekend. Crazy! I can't believe it has been that long. It was super fun to see friends and show off my family. One of my best friends from high school is getting married so we'll travel home for that the first weekend of August. I am still staying busy with my calling in the YW's program and have just began to scrapbook. I still am having trouble finding ANY extra time but I know that we'll get a routine down eventually!

Update on my mom: She is doing well. Each chemo treatment seems to be hitting her a bit harder but after three or four days she is back on her feet. She sure is being a trooper and hanging in there. She loves seeing Carter (of course) and I really think it takes her mind off of the fact she has cancer! I think losing her hair has been the biggest challenge to overcome for her. School starts soon and she is going to try and teach as much as she can. She wants to keep life as normal as possible. The school has hired an assistant to be in her classroom that will also be there to sub the days she isn't. This will make it super easy to miss if she needs to. Three more chemo treatments left!

Andrew is doing great. He is getting a lot accomplished at work and even getting promoted for early rank! Woo hoo! Right now he is enrolled in two online classes which can be challenging for him at times but he is doing really well at staying on top of them. He went to the flight doctor last week for another update. Basically the ENT that we have been going to for the last three months didn't do a thing he was supposed to! How frustrating! The flight doctor ordered a CT Scan and sent him to another ENT. We went to the new ENT on Wednesday and left without any position results. Another appt. on Monday with the flight doctor might be our last! We'll wait and see. We are trying to be patient but it's tough! Keep us in your prayers as we begin to make a few transitions!

Back to Carter. He is still sleeping through the night. How lucky are we? Like I said earlier he is growing out of clothes right and left! He is just the greatest and really starting to show a ton of personality. Andrew can really get him to grin and even chuckle sometimes! He is a super happy baby and sometimes goes all day without even crying! We'll be doomed if our second has a bit of temper! :) Andrew is definitely his favorite right now but I'm not concerned...we get plenty of bonding time during the day!

Wow, for nothing to say I sure updated a lot. Hope everyone is well and enjoy the weekend!


Kellie said...

I can't believe how big he's getting! He's so cute! Glad your mom is doing better and we hope things go well for Andy.

Kellie Shirk

Mary said...

Cale was my only good baby!! You are SO lucky!! What a DOLL!!! Your mom is in my prayers along with Andrew!! Congrats to him for making early rank!! I'm so glad you guys are doing so well!! Did you get my package? I hope he can fit in the clothes!! : ) Kiss him for me!!

Shannon said...

Hey! He is getting so big and even cuter! I see a lot more of Andy in him now than I did, crazy how they change so fast!

Evan and Jamie said...

I can't believe how big he is! he is changing so much already!! What a cutie!! Give him kisses for us!! Love you guys!