Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hello everyone! Just a quick upate. Andrew and I have been quite busy this week preparing the house and such for the baby. We are trying to be prepared as possible, however, this seems to be harder and more time consuming than we imagined. Andrew is continuing to work his second job which has him gone about four evenings a week. I'm hating it! It's been nice to get on top of some bills but I miss having him around! So Friday morning I had a doctor's appointment. We got really great news! Carter seems to be sitting super low and my "cervix is thinning out quite nicely" in the words of our doctor. I am dilated too about a one or so. Our doctor seems to think that things are progressing greatly and that we may not make three more weeks...which would be fantastic!! Let's keep our fingers crossed!


Mary said...

Someone is NESTING!! : ) I have a box for you!! Some of it is your present and others is stuff I never used for my boys (outfits bought out of season) and also some stuff they've grown out of. We miss you and hope we get to see you soon!! Remember you are always welcome to come visit!!