Sunday, May 18, 2008

We are bloggers now!

We finally have become bloggers! We are offically the last of Andrew's family to join in on the world of blogging but we have lots of exciting things happening within our little family so we are grateful for this opportunity to be able to share our happenings with our friends and family. Where to start? Andrew and I were married February 16th, 2007 in San Antonio, Texas shortly after Andrew joined the United States Air Force. We currently are stationed in Little Rock, Arkansas. We love it here mostly because it is really close to friends and family still in Missouri. We travel back frequently to visit...probably WAY to much.

Andrew just returned home from Iraq about two months ago and is currently in a transition stage. He was sent home early from the desert because he is unable to clear his ears while flying, which is a requirement. Right now, he are seeing ENT doctors in Little Rock and trying different types of medications to solve the problem. In the next couple of months we should know a little more about what is the come...cross training, moving, school...It is a stressful situation but we continue to take it day by day.

I am loving the idea of becoming a stay at home mom and have been practicing for the last few months! After graduating from the University of Missouri shortly after we married I have dabbled in a few things but have mainly taken advantage of the free time! Within a few years I plan to go back to school to get my Master's degree but until that time I continue to stay busy with my calling at church and with misc. projects at home!

We are expecting our first little one in the next month or so. His due date is June 23rd. We are so happy, excited and a little nervous at the same time for his arrival. We are counting down the days...he can't come soon enough!


Evan and Jamie said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! Glad to have you and excited for the little guy to get here!!

Debbie Lunt said...

Hi my sweet kids - I am so happy you have started this blog, so I can feel closer to you. I can't tell you how very much I miss you. I am very excited to have another grandson and for you two, to become new parents. I know you will do a fantastic job.
I love you